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Japanese Consortium of Genetic Epidemiology studies(J-CGE)


The data stored in the download page includes summary statistics from the studies conducted by J-CGE or J-CGE members. Access to these data is limited to persons who present their name, affiliated organization, purpose of data use, and an email address issued by their affiliated organization and have agreed to the Conditions of Use. When research results which include downloaded data from this page are made public in a publication or a presentation, the data user must cite the paper in which the data set was originally reported, or state it as an acknowledgment.

metaGWAS summary statistics

The following data can be downloaded.

Trait N Reference memo
BMI 36,303 Body mass index and colorectal cancer risk: A Mendelian randomization study Genome referece:
Allele_B: effect allele
Height 36,304 Public access to summary statistics for genome-wide association studies of body mass index, weight, and height among healthy Japanese individuals: the Japanese Consortium of Genetic Epidemiology studies Genome referece:
Allele_B: effect allele
Weight 36,305 Public access to summary statistics for genome-wide association studies of body mass index, weight, and height among healthy Japanese individuals: the Japanese Consortium of Genetic Epidemiology studies Genome referece:
Allele_B: effect allele
(Case 3,931,
Control 27,120)
Identification of telomere maintenance gene variations related to lung adenocarcinoma risk by genome-wide association and whole genome sequencing analyses Genome referece:
ALLELES: reference
allele/alternative allele
(Case 1,485,
Control 2,576)
Identification of telomere maintenance gene variations related to lung adenocarcinoma risk by genome-wide association and whole genome sequencing analyses Genome referece:
ALLELES: reference
allele/alternative allele
Daily alcohol intake
log2 (grammes/day + 1)
154,570 Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS, and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people Analysis: Unstratified
Genome referece: hg19
EA: effect allele
NEA: non-effect allele
Daily alcohol intake
log2 (grammes/day + 1)
55,779 Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS, and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people Analysis: rs671 GA
Genome referece: hg19
EA: effect allele
NEA: non-effect allele
Daily alcohol intake
log2 (grammes/day + 1)
87,980 Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS, and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people Analysis: rs671 GG
Genome referece: hg19
EA: effect allele
NEA: non-effect allele
Daily alcohol intake
log2 (grammes/day + 1)
143,759 Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS, and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people Analysis: Interaction
Genome referece: hg19
EA: effect allele
NEA: non-effect allele
Drinking status 175,672 Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS, and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people Analysis: Unstratified
Genome referece: hg19
EA: effect allele
NEA: non-effect allele
Drinking status 62,437 Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS, and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people Analysis: rs671 GA
Genome referece: hg19
EA: effect allele
NEA: non-effect allele
Drinking status 102,033 Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS, and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people Analysis: rs671 GG
Genome referece: hg19
EA: effect allele
NEA: non-effect allele
Drinking status 164,470 Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS, and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people Analysis: Interaction
Genome referece: hg19
EA: effect allele
NEA: non-effect allele
SCr 200,845 GWAS meta-analysis of kidney function traits in Japanese populations Genome reference: hg19
EA: effect allele
eGFR 202,406 GWAS meta-analysis of kidney function traits in Japanese populations Genome reference: hg19
EA: effect allele

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Access to the information stored in the download page is limited to persons who have agreed to the Conditions of Use. In other words, persons who has been provided the Information shall be deemed to have read and understood the contents stated in the provisions of the Conditions of Use, and to have agreed to the obligations provided below.

Conditions of Use

1.Eligibility for data use

Before downloading data, users must agree to these Conditions of Use, and provide their name, present affiliated organization, purpose of the data use, and an email address issued by the applicant’s affiliated organization. The purpose of the data use and the email address will be aggregated and used to collect information on how the data is used.

2.Purpose of data use

Use of these data is limited to research.


When research results which include data downloaded from this page are made public in a publication or presentation, the data user must cite the paper in which the data set was originally reported, or state it as an acknowledgment.
** Example of acknowledgement
(A part of) The data used for this research was originally obtained by the Japanese Consortium of Genetic Epidemiology studies (J-CGE) research project/group.

4.Data redistribution

Redistribution of the downloaded data or processed data is prohibited.

5.Data deletion and use of the latest data

When the data is renewed, data users are recommended to delete the old version of such data and use the newest version.

6.Responsibilities of Data Users

Use of the data obligates the user to meet the Conditions of Use mentioned above. In using the data, the data user must utilize the data under his/her own responsibility and evaluation of the quality, content, and scientific validity of the data. If the data user is suspected of breaching any of responsibilities listed above, the J-CGE may take one or more actions, including ordering the data user to stop using the data, reporting of this fact to the head of the organization to which the data user belongs, announcing the fact on the J-CGE website and elsewhere, and so on. The conditions described above apply not only to the PI but also to his/her research collaborators. The PI is responsible for his/her research collaborators' compliance with this document.

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