トップ >論文・学会発表


NO 記事 リンク 対象研究
23 Li C, Bishop TRP, Imamura F, Sharp SJ, Pearce M, Brage S, Ong KK, Ahsan H, Bes-Rastrollo M, Beulens JWJ, den Braver N, Byberg L, Canhada S, Chen Z, Chung HF, Cortés-Valencia A, Djousse L, Drouin-Chartier JP, Du H, Du S, Duncan BB, Gaziano JM, Gordon-Larsen P, Goto A, Haghighatdoost F, Härkänen T, Hashemian M, Hu FB, Ittermann T, Järvinen R, Kakkoura MG, Neelakantan N, Knekt P, Lajous M, Li Y, Magliano DJ, Malekzadeh R, Le Marchand L, Marques-Vidal P, Martinez-Gonzalez MA, Maskarinec G, Mishra GD, Mohammadifard N, O'Donoghue G, O'Gorman D, Popkin B, Poustchi H, Sarrafzadegan N, Sawada N, Schmidt MI, Shaw JE, Soedamah-Muthu S, Stern D, Tong L, van Dam RM, Völzke H, Willett WC, Wolk A, Yu C, EPIC-InterAct Consortium, Forouhi NG, Wareham NJ. Meat consumption and incident type 2 diabetes: an individual-participant federated meta-analysis of 1·97 million adults with 100 000 incident cases from 31 cohorts in 20 countries. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2024; 12: 619-630.
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22 Suzuki S, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Inoue M, Tsugane S, Shinozaki T, Sawada N. Body Mass Index, Height and Head and Neck Cancer Risk: the Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study. J Epidemiol. 2024; : .
21 Makiuchi T, Kakizaki M, Sobue T, Kitamura T, Yatsuya H, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Inoue M, Tsugane S, Sawada N. Mortality after partner's cancer diagnosis or death: A population-based prospective cohort study in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2024; : .
20 Paragomi P, Zhang Z, Abe SK, Islam MR, Rahman MS, Saito E, Shu XO, Dabo B, Pham YT, Chen Y, Gao YT, Koh WP, Sawada N, Malekzadeh R, Sakata R, Hozawa A, Kim J, Kanemura S, Nagata C, You SL, Ito H, Park SK, Yuan JM, Pan WH, Wen W, Wang R, Cai H, Tsugane S, Pourshams A, Sugawara Y, Wada K, Chen CJ, Oze I, Shin A, Ahsan H, Boffetta P, Chia KS, Matsuo K, Qiao YL, Rothman N, Zheng W, Inoue M, Kang D, Luu HN. Body Mass Index and Risk of Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Asia. JAMA Netw Open. 2024; 7: e2429494.
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19 Muraki I, Sobue T, Yamagishi K, Tsugane S, Sawada N, Iso H. Validity of self-reported participation in cancer screenings and health checkups in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2024; : .
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18 Yamagishi M, Takachi R, Ishihara J, Maruya S, Ishii Y, Kito K, Nakamura K, Tanaka J, Yamaji T, Iso H, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S, JPHC-NEXT Protocol Validation Study Group, Sawada N. Development and preliminary validation of a prediction formula of sodium and sodium-to-potassium ratio based on multiple regression using 24-h urines. Sci Rep. 2024; 14: 9704.
17 Wada K, Nagata C, Utada M, Sakata R, Kimura T, Tamakoshi A, Sugawara Y, Tsuji I, Sato R, Sawada N, Tsugane S, Oze I, Ito H, Kitamura T, Koyanagi YN, Lin Y, Matsuo K, Abe SK, Inoue M, Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Active and passive smoking and breast cancer in Japan: a pooled analysis of nine population-based cohort studies. Int J Epidemiol. 2024; 53: .
16 Ge S, Zha L, Sobue T, Kitamura T, Ishihara J, Iwasaki M, Inoue M, Yamaji T, Tsugane S, Sawada N. Dietary Consumption of Antioxidant Vitamins in Relation to Prostate Cancer Risk in Japanese Men: The Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study. J Epidemiol. 2024; 34: 144-153.
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15 Miyata J, Muraki I, Iso H, Yamagishi K, Yasuda N, Sawada N, Inoue M, Tsugane S, JPHC Disabling Dementia Study Group. Sleep duration, its change, and risk of dementia among Japanese: The Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study. Prev Med. 2024; 180: 107884.
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14 Yin X, Kishida R, Abe SK, Islam MR, Rahman MS, Saito E, Lan Q, Blechter B, Merritt M, Choi JY, Shin A, Katagiri R, Shu XO, Sawada N, Tamakoshi A, Koh WP, Tsuji I, Nagata C, Park SK, Kweon SS, Gao YT, Tsugane S, Kimura T, Yuan JM, Lu Y, Kanemura S, Sugawara Y, Wada K, Shin MH, Ahsan H, Boffetta P, Chia KS, Matsuo K, Qiao YL, Rothman N, Zheng W, Inoue M, Kang D, Seow WJ. Association between reproductive factors with lung cancer incidence and mortality: A pooled analysis of over 308,000 females in the Asia cohort consortium. Int J Cancer. 2024; : .
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13 Yamanishi R, Yotsukura E, Hanyuda A, Uchino M, Yuki K, Negishi K, Yasuda N, Saito I, Kato T, Arima K, Aoyagi K, Tanno K, Yamagishi K, Muraki I, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Inoue M, Tsugane S, Sawada N. Relation between a history of glaucoma and subjective happiness: the JPHC-Next study. BMJ Open Ophthalmol. 2024; 9: .
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12 Okita Y, Sobue T, Zha L, Kitamura T, Iwasaki M, Inoue M, Yamaji T, Tsugane S, Sawada N. Long-term use of anti-cholesterol drugs and cancer risks in a Japanese population. Sci Rep. 2024; 14: 2896.
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11 Kawai S, Lin Y, Tsuge H, Ito H, Matsuo K, Wada K, Nagata C, Narii N, Kitamura T, Utada M, Sakata R, Kimura T, Tamakoshi A, Sugawara Y, Tsuji I, Suzuki S, Sawada N, Tsugane S, Mizoue T, Oze I, Abe SK, Inoue M, Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Body mass index and lung cancer risk: Pooled analysis of 10 prospective cohort studies in Japan. Cancer Sci. 2024; : .
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10 Suzuki A, Takachi R, Ishihara J, Maruya S, Ishii Y, Kito K, Nakamura K, Tanaka J, Yamaji T, Iso H, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S, Sawada N, JPHC-NEXT Protocol Validation Study Group. Urinary Biomarkers in Screening for the Usual Intake of Fruit and Vegetables, and Sodium, Potassium, and the Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio: Required Number and Accuracy of Measurements. Nutrients. 2024; 16: .
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9 Jenkins DJA, Willett WC, Yusuf S, Hu FB, Glenn AJ, Liu S, Mente A, Miller V, Bangdiwala SI, Gerstein HC, Sieri S, Ferrari P, Patel AV, McCullough ML, Le Marchand L, Freedman ND, Loftfield E, Sinha R, Shu XO, Touvier M, Sawada N, Tsugane S, van den Brandt PA, Shuval K, Khan TA, Paquette M, Sahye-Pudaruth S, Patel D, Siu TFY, Srichaikul K, Kendall CWC, Sievenpiper JL, Clinical Nutrition & Risk Factor Modification Centre Collaborators. Association of glycaemic index and glycaemic load with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of mega cohorts of more than 100 000 participants. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2024; 12: 107-118.
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8 Goto A, Ohashi K, Noda M, Noto H, Ueki K, Inoue M, Nishimura R, Takahashi S, Ioka T, Oshima M, Fujibayashi K, Tsuji A, Kodaira M, Tamakoshi A, Mimori K, Tanabe Y, Hara E, Matsuo K, Murakami Y, Watada H. Third Report of the Japan Diabetes Society/Japanese Cancer Association Joint Committee on Diabetes and Cancer: Summary of the results of a questionnaire survey of oncologists and diabetologists-Secondary publication. Cancer Sci. 2024; 115: 672-681.
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7 Nuamah HG, Li Y, Yatsuya H, Yamagishi K, Saito I, Kokubo Y, Muraki I, Iso H, Inoue M, Tsugane S, Sawada N. The effect of age on the relationship between body mass index and risks of incident stroke subtypes: The JPHC study. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2024; 33: 107486.
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6 Koyanagi YN, Nakatochi M, Namba S, Oze I, Charvat H, Narita A, Kawaguchi T, Ikezaki H, Hishida A, Hara M, Takezaki T, Koyama T, Nakamura Y, Suzuki S, Katsuura-Kamano S, Kuriki K, Nakamura Y, Takeuchi K, Hozawa A, Kinoshita K, Sutoh Y, Tanno K, Shimizu A, Ito H, Kasugai Y, Kawakatsu Y, Taniyama Y, Tajika M, Shimizu Y, Suzuki E, Hosono Y, Imoto I, Tabara Y, Takahashi M, Setoh K, BioBank Japan Project, Matsuda K, Nakano S, Goto A, Katagiri R, Yamaji T, Sawada N, Tsugane S, Wakai K, Yamamoto M, Sasaki M, Matsuda F, Okada Y, Iwasaki M, Brennan P, Matsuo K. Genetic architecture of alcohol consumption identified by a genotype-stratified GWAS and impact on esophageal cancer risk in Japanese people. Sci Adv. 2024; 10: eade2780.
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5 Nabila S, Choi JY, Abe SK, Islam MR, Rahman MS, Saito E, Shin A, Merritt MA, Katagiri R, Shu XO, Sawada N, Tamakoshi A, Sakata R, Hozawa A, Kim J, Nagata C, Park SK, Kweon SS, Cai H, Tsugane S, Kimura T, Kanemura S, Sugawara Y, Wada K, Shin MH, Ahsan H, Boffetta P, Chia KS, Matsuo K, Qiao YL, Rothman N, Zheng W, Inoue M, Kang D. Differential patterns of reproductive and lifestyle risk factors for breast cancer according to birth cohorts among women in China, Japan and Korea. Breast Cancer Res. 2024; 26: 15.
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4 Kihara T, Yamagishi K, Imatoh T, Ihira H, Goto A, Iso H, Sawada N, Tsugane S, Inoue M. Validity of self-reported Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment from questionnaire and interview surveys of the JPHC-NEXT study: comparison with prescription history from insurance claims data. J Epidemiol. 2024; : .
3 Ho DSM, Zaitsu T, Ihira H, Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Suzuki S, Inoue M, Yamagishi K, Yasuda N, Aida J, Shinozaki T, Goto A, Tsugane S, Sawada N. Association Between Oral Malodor and Dementia: An 11-Year Follow-Up Study in Japan. J Alzheimers Dis Rep. 2024; 8: 805-816.
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2 Goto A, Ohashi K, Noda M, Noto H, Ueki K, Inoue M, Nishimura R, Takahashi S, Ioka T, Oshima M, Fujibayashi K, Tsuji A, Kodaira M, Tamakoshi A, Mimori K, Tanabe Y, Hara E, Matsuo K, Murakami Y, Watada H. Third Report of the Japan Diabetes Society (JDS)/Japanese Cancer Association (JCA) Joint Committee on diabetes and cancer: summary of the results of a questionnaire survey of oncologists and diabetologists-secondary publication. Diabetol Int. 2024; 15: 5-18.
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1 Mori N, Murphy N, Sawada N, Achaintre D, Yamaji T, Scalbert A, Ishihara J, Takachi R, Nakamura K, Tanaka J, Iwasaki M, Iso H, Inoue M, Gunter MJ, Tsugane S. Reproducibility and dietary correlates of plasma polyphenols in the JPHC-NEXT Protocol Area study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2024; 78: 34-42.
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NO 記事 リンク 対象研究
1 Chen Z, Guo X, Tao R, Huyghe JR, Law PJ, Fernandez-Rozadilla C, Ping J, Jia G, Long J, Li C, Shen Q, Xie Y, Timofeeva MN, Thomas M, Schmit SL, Díez-Obrero V, Devall M, Moratalla-Navarro F, Fernandez-Tajes J, Palles C, Sherwood K, Briggs SEW, Svinti V, Donnelly K, Farrington SM, Blackmur J, Vaughan-Shaw PG, Shu XO, Lu Y, Broderick P, Studd J, Harrison TA, Conti DV, Schumacher FR, Melas M, Rennert G, Obón-Santacana M, Martín-Sánchez V, Oh JH, Kim J, Jee SH, Jung KJ, Kweon SS, Shin MH, Shin A, Ahn YO, Kim DH, Oze I, Wen W, Matsuo K, Matsuda K, Tanikawa C, Ren Z, Gao YT, Jia WH, Hopper JL, Jenkins MA, Win AK, Pai RK, Figueiredo JC, Haile RW, Gallinger S, Woods MO, Newcomb PA, Duggan D, Cheadle JP, Kaplan R, Kerr R, Kerr D, Kirac I, Böhm J, Mecklin JP, Jousilahti P, Knekt P, Aaltonen LA, Rissanen H, Pukkala E, Eriksson JG, Cajuso T, Hänninen U, Kondelin J, Palin K, Tanskanen T, Renkonen-Sinisalo L, Männistö S, Albanes D, Weinstein SJ, Ruiz-Narvaez E, Palmer JR, Buchanan DD, Platz EA, Visvanathan K, Ulrich CM, Siegel E, Brezina S, Gsur A, Campbell PT, Chang-Claude J, Hoffmeister M, Brenner H, Slattery ML, Potter JD, Tsilidis KK, Schulze MB, Gunter MJ, Murphy N, Castells A, Castellví-Bel S, Moreira L, Arndt V, Shcherbina A, Bishop DT, Giles GG, Southey MC, Idos GE, McDonnell KJ, Abu-Ful Z, Greenson JK, Shulman K, Lejbkowicz F, Offit K, Su YR, Steinfelder R, Keku TO, van Guelpen B, Hudson TJ, Hampel H, Pearlman R, Berndt SI, Hayes RB, Martinez ME, Thomas SS, Pharoah PDP, Larsson SC, Yen Y, Lenz HJ, White E, Li L, Doheny KF, Pugh E, Shelford T, Chan AT, Cruz-Correa M, Lindblom A, Hunter DJ, Joshi AD, Schafmayer C, Scacheri PC, Kundaje A, Schoen RE, Hampe J, Stadler ZK, Vodicka P, Vodickova L, Vymetalkova V, Edlund CK, Gauderman WJ, Shibata D, Toland A, Markowitz S, Kim A, Chanock SJ, van Duijnhoven F, Feskens EJM, Sakoda LC, Gago-Dominguez M, Wolk A, Pardini B, FitzGerald LM, Lee SC, Ogino S, Bien SA, Kooperberg C, Li CI, Lin Y, Prentice R, Qu C, Bézieau S, Yamaji T, Sawada N, Iwasaki M, Le Marchand L, Wu AH, Qu C, McNeil CE, Coetzee G, Hayward C, Deary IJ, Harris SE, Theodoratou E, Reid S, Walker M, Ooi LY, Lau KS, Zhao H, Hsu L, Cai Q, Dunlop MG, Gruber SB, Houlston RS, Moreno V, Casey G, Peters U, Tomlinson I, Zheng W. Fine-mapping analysis including over 254,000 East Asian and European descendants identifies 136 putative colorectal cancer susceptibility genes. Nat Commun. 2024; 15: 3557.